Trần Hoàng Phương Lê

Dear my lovely teacher,

I have known you for a long time, but you did not know me. At that time, I only know you are an admin of practice listening group. The first time I have heard your voice was when you needed us to watch your group’s video in CALL and gave a feedback, I was surprised that you spoke like a native, your voice was beautiful and the intonation was natural, which I could not do the same. Later, I listened to your student’s voice, she spoke very smoothly and quickly. At that moment, I dicided to give you a message on Facebook to ask you about the pronunciation course.

You are my youngest, strictest and cutest teacher. Your teaching method is really effective, and every lesson is so exciting that I could not miss any one. I had attended two courses of pronunciation before, but they were not really effective. Therefore I could not be able to improve my intonation, I just speak instinctively as usual. When you have listened to my voice at the first time, you knew how bad my intonation was, you said that my intonation was interrupted like cutting meat.

In fact, your lessons cannot make it difficult for me, yet your homework and comments make me crazy. Just eight lessons but I have lots of tasks, and the level is more and more difficult. You are the first teacher who have given me a great deal of homework like that. Furthermore, you listen to my records carefully and it seemed to me that I look forward to your judgement after each time I have sent email. I am happy as a child given candy when you say I do well. In contrast, when you point out my mistakes, even a tiny fault, I try my best to improve every day until you are not able to find any error. Until now, I know my intonation has a big alteration. I can speak more smoothly and my voice is deeper and better. This was my last and unforgetable pronuncition course. I know I need to practice more, and you gave me a radical knowledge foundation to improve my pronunciation as well as intonation. Thank you very much much much. <3 <3 <3

I am looking forward to your next courses. ^^
Best love,

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