Sound /dʒ/

Sound /dʒ/

Anh – Mỹ

Anh – Anh

  • Cách tạo âm :
  • Đây là 1 âm “hữu thanh( voiced sound)
  • Hai môi tạo thành hình tròn và đẩy về phía trước.
  • Mặt lưỡi đặt lên phía lợi trên, bật âm gió từ trong cổ họng ra thật mạnh và dứt khoát. Dùng giọng để đọc thành tiếng. Vành lưỡi chạm nhẹ vào răng ở 2 bên miệng
  • How to make the sound:
  • Put your lip forward into a circle. This sound is made of two consonant sounds.
  • Air is stopped from leaving your mouth for a short time.
  • Place the center of the tongue against the palate, stop the air completely, then release it abruptly with a voiced sound.

Dấu hiệu nhận dạng: 

“J”:  job, joke, jail, jam, jaw, jar, July, June, ‘January, John, Jack, Jane, join, judge, en’joy, ‘project, ‘jacket, ‘journal, ‘junior, ‘major, ‘justice, ‘jealous, ‘jewellery

 “_du_” : ‘gradual, ‘schedule, edu‘cation, ‘modulate, pro’cedure, indi’vidual, ‘graduate

“ge_” : gene, ‘generous, ‘gesture, ‘general, ‘genius, ‘generate, gem, ‘gentle, ‘German, ‘urgent

“gi_” : ‘giant, a’pologize, gi‘raffe, i’magine, gi‘gantic, ‘ginger, gin, ‘region

“gy_” : gym, gym’nasium, a’pology, bi’ology, tech’nology, e’cology, ‘allergy, ‘edgy, ‘strategy

“_ge” : ‘damage, ‘village, ‘cottage, ‘cabbage, ad’vantage, ‘courage, ‘college, ‘language, ‘message, ‘marriage, charge, merge, huge, ‘challenge, range, ar’range, change, ‘orange, bridge, fridge, cage, rage, age, en’gage

“_d+y_” : did you, had you, would you, could you, should you, mind your

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