Như Wake Up

Feedback to my lovely teacher! Dear Vi,

we have known each other for a half year. It is not a long-time period, but it has changed the

way I speak English. It is undeniable that throughout the time we studied together, you were the one who always supported and encouraged me, while I was the one who usually have reasons to be busy and lazy. Until now, I have never given you any record without mistakes. I rarely get my assignment to be done on time. AnYway, you were always patient with me. You

\vould not accept my record unless it was the best I could do. You would not stop reminding me unless I submitted my record. You taught me that I could achieve more than I thought that I \Vas capable of. After 6 months,thank to your enthusiastic teaching and sharing, I can see a great improvement in my pronunciation as \Veil as my intonation.

\Ve are at the same age, but for me you are not only a friend, a teacher, but also an inspirer. Thank you for seeing me as a partner in learning. Thank you for your patience.Thank you for making me do the best I can.


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